Miljarde jaarliks weens korrupsie verloor

Johannesburg – Ongeveer R30 miljard gaan elke jaar in Suid-Afrika verlore as gevolg van bedrog en korrupsie op regeringsvlak, het die ACDP Saterdag gesê.

“Die Spesiale Ondersoekeenheid (SOE) het in antwoord op ‘n vraag deur die ACDP gesê die omvang van bedrog en korrupsie in staatsprosesse word op tussen R25 en R30 miljard per jaar geskat,” het die party se leier, Kenneth Meshoe, in ‘n verklaring gesê.

“Hoewel die regering beleid geformuleer het en taakspanne begin het om korrupsie te beveg, lyk dit nie of dit help nie.”

Meshoe het gesê die hoeveelheid personeel in die SOE moet dadelik vermeerder word om die hoë vlak van korrupsie te bestry.

Die kapasiteit van agentskappe soos die batebeslagleggingseenheid en die Valke moet ook vergroot word, het die ACDP gesê.


Bron – Miljarde jaarliks weens korrupsie verloor

Shell takes a look at the petrol price increase for South Africa

In this section Shell takes a look at the current fuel prices as well as the next estimated petrol price forecast. They also provide a detailed breakdown of exactly what goes into the fuel price.


South Africa Controlled Product Price Forecast


This Price Forecast is based on information as at “26 March 2012” and is based on current price regulation guidelines as stipulated by the Department of Minerals and Energy. This is mainly based on international crude and finished product price movements coupled with prevailing Rand – US Dollar exchange rates.

This forecast excludes the increase to the fuel levy of 20c/l and to the RAF of 8c/l as announced by the Finance Minister in February. It also excludes possible increases to the transport costs (MDZ) ranging from 0.4c/l at the coast, +-5c/l in Guateng and up to +-11c/l in the more remote areas.


The Department of Minerals and Energy has announced the following price change for PETROL, DIESEL and IP/ KERO:

EFFECTIVE DATE : Wednesday 07 March 2012



  • Price change valid throughout RSA for RETAIL and COMMERCIAL customers
  • Petrol List and Pump prices above refer to Retail customers
  • Price change due to movements in crude and international product prices coupled with the prevailing (favourable) RAND – US dollar exchange rates

The maximum retail price at which “loose” Illuminating Paraffin, i.e. excluding cost of package/packaging, may be sold at any location in South Africa effective 04 January 2012 is:

R 10.32 (increase of 05c/l) per litre or R7.74 per 750 Ml, in “own container” supplied.
(The WSLP of Paraffin to Shell customers will not be affected by this Retail legislated price)

Extraordinary items incorporated in the above changes are:

2. In terms of Government Notice no. R1029 (dd 31July 2002) DME has regulated the maximum refinery gate price of LPG at R 8 514.15 per metric ton (472.53 c/l) for the period 07 March 2012 to 03 April 2012.


The Pricing Structure for Petrol, Diesel and IP




(*) The wholesale price of diesel is regulated, but not the retail price

Source – SHELL – Petrol Price Update

Dutch party upset over Pretoria street names

A Dutch political party has demanded action from the Dutch Cabinet in support of the retention of Afrikaans street names in Pretoria.

“The Netherlands Embassy situated in Queen Wilhelmina avenue should refuse to accept a new name,” the “De Partij voor de Vrijheid” (the Party for Freedom), PVV, said in a statement issued in The Hague on Wednesday.

The suggestion was contained in a parliamentay question to Dutch deputy minister Halbe Zijlstra on Wednesday.

Zijlstra was asked if he was aware of the planned name changes and whether he thought the plans were a “slap in the face of the Dutch royal family”.

The PVV said the ANC planned to change 27 Pretoria streetnames, including Beatrix street and Queen Wilhelmina avenue.

Many of the names were a reminder of the anti-colonial struggle of the independent Boer republics against the British empire, the statement said.

“The name Queen Wilhelmina avenue is an ode to the young queen who in 1900 dispatched a Dutch warship to fetch a beleaguered President Kruger,” PVV parliamentarian Martin Bosma said.

Other street names commemorating historical characters were “Voortrekkers” with Netherlands backgrounds who helped establish Pretoria, the PVV politician said.

The PVV is a minority rightwing partner in the current governing Dutch coalition, led by the controversial politician Geert Wilders. – Sapa

Source – Pretoria News – Dutch party upset over Pretoria street names

De Lille tables Cape Town budget

Cape Town mayor Patricia de Lille on Wednesday tabled a budget of about R29 billion for the city.

The budget provided R24 billion for operating spending and over R5 billion for capital spending.

As per the Municipal Finance Management Act, the budget would be opened for public comment before being put to council for debate in May, De Lille said in a speech prepared for delivery at a council meeting.

Over R2 billion had been allocated for the provision and maintenance of infrastructure, with R1.2 billion specifically for the Integrated Rapid Transport system.

De Lille said this amount was “to demonstrate our commitment to an inclusive city that is connected”.

Of benefit to the whole city was R190 million for electrification and R58 million for upgrading the water network.

Other budget allocations leaned towards poorer residents.

Provision was made for free basic services – R111 million for water, R153 million for electricity, and R282 million for refuse.

The city was proposing a projected rates rebate to the tune of R1.2 billion.

“To help build a caring and inclusive city, we will make a range of investments throughout the city, most especially in the poorest and most marginalised areas,” the mayor said.

She allocated over R137 million for the provision of improved services in informal settlements and “backyarder” communities.

The city set aside R41 million for buying land for additional housing.

In Khayelitsha, a R6 million clinic for Site B and a R34 million library in Kuyasa were proposed.

Also proposed were Early Childhood Development Centres in Rocklands, Du Noon, and Delft, at a total cost of R14 million. – Sapa

Source – IOL – De Lille tables Cape Town budget

Workers better off during apartheid – Vavi

Unemployed and casual workers were better off under the apartheid government than they are now, said Zwelinzima Vavi, the general secretary of the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu), on Saturday.

He said inequality had widened in the past 13 years, with a minority of capitalists and bureaucrats getting richer.

“Many of the millions who are unemployed, or whose jobs have been casualised, are even worse off than under apartheid. Around 20 million of our people are still mired in poverty. We still face many challenges and the task of transformation is far from complete,” he told the 20th anniversary celebrations of the South African Municipal Workers Union in Cape Town.

Vavi said the main reason workers’ wages had remained low during the democratic dispensation was privatisation and the Growth, Employment and Redistribution policy (Gear), espoused by President Thabo Mbeki in 1996.

He said Gear had led to the scandalous situation of a supposedly “booming” economy that left 40 percent of workers unemployed.

“The country’s economic policy, including the budget, is not based on the promises of the Constitution,” he said.

He said the union federation was striving to formalise the relationship with its partners through an “alliance pact”, which would oblige the government to discuss all new policies with its allies.

Earlier in the year, Vavi clashed with Mbeki for saying the country’s economic growth was merely a government ploy to create hype and no different to Nazi propaganda. – Sapa

Source – Workers better off during apartheid – Vavi – October 28, 2007

Kapenaars briesend oor straatname

Johannesburg – Die verandering van straatname het inwoners van Kaapstad ook op hol.

RSG berig Kapenaars beskuldig die stadsraad dat Afrikaanssprekendes se wense van die tafel af gevee is.

André Fourie, ‘n lid van die VF+, sê strate wat na Afrikaanse leiers soos Andries Pretorius, Jan Smuts en Coen Steytler vernoem is, nou as “onsensitief, aanstootlik en uitdagend” afgemaak word.

Die PAC het dit vroeër duidelik gestel dat die party alle strate in die stad wat vernoem is na mense wat hulle in die verlede onderdruk het, wil verander.

Die eerste voorgestelde naamsveranderings is DF Malanstraat na David Poolestraat, Coen Steytlerlaan na Walter Sisulu-laan, Milnerstraat na Jan Rabiestraat en Hawe-weg na Fort Amsterdam-weg.

Brett Herron, voorsitter van Kaapstad se namekomitee, sê die naamsveranderings is deur die publiek voorgestel, en nie deur die komitee nie.

Die debakel oor die verander van straatname in die Moederstad kom te midde van die kwessie van Pretoria se naam.

Kgosientso Ramokgopa, uitvoerende burgemeester van die Tshwane-metroraad, het Dinsdag in sy stadsrede gesê daar is ’n wanopvatting dat Afrikaanse name geteiken word, het Beeld berig.

“Dit is nie die geval nie. Die Afrikaner word nie gehaat of verag nie, maar dit is ’n feit dat al die strate in die stad [Pretoria] na Afrikaners genoem is.

“Daar sal nooit aangevoer word dat die Afrikaner geen rol gespeel het nie, maar die stad moet verteenwoordigend wees van almal se verlede.”

Die verwagting is dat 27 nuwe straatname Donderdag op ’n raadsvergadering bespreek en goedgekeur sal word.

Die dagblad berig van die bekendste strate en roetes deur die hoofstad ter sprake is.

Volgens Ramokgopa word die naamsveranderings met “rasse-samehorigheid en -harmonie” aangepak.

Hy het gesê daar is nog geen besluit oor Pretoria se naam nie.

Bron – Kapenaars briesend oor straatname

Z-Afrika moet eigendom boeren respecteren

Moties verworpen over geweld en onteigening

Staatssecretaris (‘onderminister’) Ben Knapen roept Zuid-Afrika op de eigendomsrechten van boeren te respecteren. Dit op aandringen van PVV’er Johan Driessen. De Kamer verwierp donderdagavond twee moties inzake geweld tegen de Afrikaner boeren en de landonteigening.

PVV’er Johan Driessen diende een motie in waarin het geweld tegen minderheden wordt gehekeld. De motie werd gesteund door zes van de tien partijen: SP, Partij voor de Dieren, SGP, ChristenUnie, CDA en PVV – in totaal 69 stemmen voor.

Ook een tweede PVV-motie, tegen landonteigening, haalde het niet. Alleen SGP en PVV stemden voor.

Toch ziet indiener Johan Driessen een lichtpuntje. Staatssecretaris Knapen van ontwikkelingshulp zei bij de bespreking van de motie inzake onteigening: “Mocht de Zuid-Afrikaanse regering in de toekomst eigendomsrechten niet beschermen, hetgeen ik niet verwacht, dan zal Nederland de regering daar natuurlijk op aanspreken”. Driessen: “De staatssecretaris heeft hiermee een duidelijke uitspraak gedaan. Die betekent hoop voor de boeren.”

Eerder deze week was er meer goed nieuws voor het Afrikaans. De Nederlandse ambassade in Zuid-Afrika zal een rol gaan spelen bij de stimulering van het Afrikaans. Dit zegde Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Rosenthal dinsdagavond toe in het Nederlandse parlement. De minister nam deze stap op vragen van Martin Bosma van de Partij voor de Vrijheid die pleitte voor regelmatige bijeenkomsten van organisaties die opkomen voor het Afrikaans op de ambassade.

De moties waarover donderdagavond gestemd werd:

De Kamer,

gehoord de beraadslaging,

constaterende, dat er in Zuid-Afrika veel ernstige geweldsmisdrijven plaatsvinden,

constaterende, dat deze misdrijven mede gericht zijn tegen minderheden,

verzoekt de regering Zuid-Afrika te vragen tegen dit geweld daadkrachtig op te treden,

en gaat over tot de orde van de dag.

Van der Staaij

De Kamer,

gehoord de beraadslaging,

verzoekt de regering Zuid-Afrika te vragen eigendomsrechten, zoals landrechten, waaronder die van minderheden, nu en in de toekomst, te respecteren,

en gaat over tot de orde van de dag.


Het commentaar van staatssecretaris Knapen bij de indiening ervan woensdag:

In de motie op stuk nr. 86 van de heer Driessen wordt de regering verzocht, Zuid-Afrika te vragen eigendomsrechten te respecteren. Het aannemen van deze motie moet ik ontraden. Waarom? De Zuid-Afrikaanse regering beschermt eigendomsrechten. Daar heeft ze ook belang bij, want anders krijg je een uittocht van investeerders en werkloosheid en alles wat daarbij hoort. Ze ondersteunt ook wettige opkoopprogramma’s om de ongelijkheid uit de apartheid te verminderen. Het gaat daarbij om wettige opkoopprogramma’s. Er zijn stemmen binnen het ANC die pleiten voor een gedwongen herverdeling, maar dat is een minderheid. Een belangrijke voorstander van de gedwongen herverdeling, Malema, is vrij recent nog geschorst. Mocht de Zuid-Afrikaanse regering in de toekomst eigendomsrechten niet beschermen, hetgeen ik niet verwacht, dan zal Nederland de regering daar natuurlijk op aanspreken.
In motie op stuk nr. 87 van de heer Driessen wordt de regering gevraagd om de regering in Zuid-Afrika erop te attenderen dat tegen geweld krachtig moet worden opgetreden. Dat beschouwen wij als ondersteuning van beleid.

By Ingezonden – Amsterdam Post

Source – Z-Afrika moet eigendom boeren respecteren

Mining Grab Fuels Biggest South Africa Stock Outflows Since ’08

Foreign investors are selling South African equities at the fastest pace in four years, even as they buy stocks in the biggest emerging markets, on concern policy makers will seek a larger share of the nation’s mining profits.

International investors sold 7.9 billion rand ($933 million) of South African equities in the first two months of this year, on track for the biggest first-quarter outflow since 2008. Developing-country equity mutual funds lured $20.6 billion in the same period, the best start to a year since 2006, said Cambridge, Massachusetts-based research firm EPFR Global.

A study commissioned by President Jacob Zuma’s ruling African National Congress party proposed increasing taxes on the mining industry last month, while the party’s youth wing has lobbied for a government takeover of gold and platinum mines to boost employment in Africa’s biggest economy. Raw-materials producers posted the biggest declines among 10 industries in the MSCI South Africa Index (MXZA) this year as AngloGold Ashanti Ltd. (ANG) and Impala Platinum Holdings Ltd. (IMP) retreated.

“We are not getting our share” of foreign investment, said Ian Cruickshanks, the Johannesburg-based head of treasury strategic research at Nedbank Group Ltd., South Africa’s fourth- largest bank. “The threat of nationalization has a heck of a lot to do with that.”

The MSCI South Africa Index has climbed 4.9 percent this year as of March 8, compared with a 15 percent gain in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index. (MXEF)

BRICS Laggard

Slower economic growth than in Brazil, Russia, India and China also is reducing investor demand for South African equities, Michael Power, a global strategist at Investec Asset Management in Cape Town, said in a Feb. 23 phone interview.

South Africa’s economy will probably expand 2.7 percent this year, the Finance Ministry said last week, less than the 3.4 percent estimated in October. China, the biggest emerging economy, set a long-term growth target of 7.5 percent on March 5. India may expand 7 percent this year, compared with 3.3 percent in Russia and 3 percent in Brazil, according to the Washington-based International Monetary Fund.

“Investors are seeing growth opportunities elsewhere in the world, in high-beta markets, and are using South Africa to fund that,” Power said.

Impala Platinum, the world’s biggest producer of the metal, has retreated 6.2 percent in Johannesburg trading this year. The Illovo-based company has 85 percent of its assets in South Africa and the remainder in neighboring Zimbabwe. AngloGold Ashanti has lost 12 percent. The world’s third-largest gold producer has 22 percent of its assets in South Africa.

Relative Value

This year’s 3.3 percent drop in the MSCI South Africa mining index has left it valued at 2.2 times net assets, compared with 1.8 times for MSCI’s gauge of global mining companies, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The South Africa measure’s 21 percent premium over the global index is the smallest since July, the data show.

Mine ownership will be discussed at a party policy conference in June, Enoch Godongwana, the head of the ANC’s economic policy committee, told reporters in Johannesburg on March 5. South Africa is the world’s biggest producer of platinum, chrome and manganese and commodities account for 64 percent of exports from the $388 billion economy.

The ANC study proposed the introduction of a “resources rent tax” on all mining operations once they earn returns greater than about 15 percent annually and advised the government to consider working with labor unions to exert greater control over key mining companies. At the same time, it said nationalization of mines would lead to “economic disaster” and cause foreign investors to flee.

Youth Wing

Seizing mines wouldn’t be a “smart strategy” for South Africa and changes to taxes or ownership will only be made after extensive consultation with the industry, Trevor Manuel, the country’s planning minister, told the Mining Indaba conference in Cape Town on Feb. 6.

The ANC youth wing, which helped Zuma defeat former President Thabo Mbeki for the leadership of the party, will keep pushing for nationalization, Ronald Lamola, deputy president of the group, told reporters in Johannesburg on March 5.

The youth wing says government control of mining companies will create jobs in a country where 53 percent of blacks between the ages of 15 and 24 are unemployed, compared with a jobless rate of 14 percent for white South Africans in the same age group, according to figures compiled by Johannesburg-based recruitment company Adcorp Holdings Ltd.

Zimbabwe Intervention

“It is clearly important this year to resolve once and for all, in the right way, the lingering uncertainty created by the nationalization debate,” Godfrey Gomwe, executive director for the South African unit of Anglo American Plc (AAL), a London-based mining company, said in a Feb. 7 speech in Cape Town. “Nationalization does not work.”

Zambia’s government took over copper mines owned by Anglo American in the early 1970s. Production plunged over the next three decades because of underinvestment and most of the assets were sold back to the company in 2000 for $90 million.

Government intervention this year in Zimbabwe, on the northern border of South Africa, has helped drag down Impala Platinum’s shares. The nation proposed higher taxes and is forcing Impala Platinum to sell 51 percent of its Zimplats unit to black Zimbabweans under new laws covering foreign-owned companies.

“What’s happening in Zimbabwe is adding fuel to the fire,” said Nedbank Group’ Cruickshanks.

Rand Weakness

Foreign purchases of South African assets are needed to help fund the country’s current-account deficit, which is expected to swell to 4.3 percent of gross domestic product this year, according to estimates released by the National Treasury on Feb. 22. Foreign investors have bought a net 11 billion rand of bonds in the first two months, offsetting equity outflows, according to the JSE.

“Poor equity flows are a concern, and it does raise the risk of currency weakness, unless other forms of financing are found,” Leon Myburgh, Citigroup Inc.’s sub-Saharan Africa strategist, said in e-mailed comments from Johannesburg.

The rand weakened for the first time in three days, slipping 0.7 percent to 7.5352 against the dollar at 4:48 p.m. in Johannesburg. The yield on the nation’s 77 billion rand of 6.75 percent bonds due 2021 rose two basis point, or 0.02 percentage point, to 7.838 percent, ending a three-day decline.

More Attractive Markets

While stock investors pulled out of South Africa, they bought a net $7.3 billion of Indian equities this year through March 1 and purchased $1.4 billion of Brazilian shares, according to data compiled by the countries’ market regulators and exchange operators. Russia attracted $1.2 billion through Feb. 29, the Micex Stock Exchange said. Stock investment in China, the biggest emerging market, is restricted by the qualified foreign institutional investor, or QFII, program.

“There have been more attractive opportunities elsewhere and I sense that many key equity investors are underweight South Africa,” Peter Attard Montalto, an economist at Nomura Plc in London, said in an e-mail. “The inflow story has not been felt here at all.”

To contact the reporter on this story: Stephen Gunnion in Johannesburg at;

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Gavin Serkin at

Source – Mining Grab Fuels Biggest South Africa Stock Outflows Since ’08

Something you don’t see every day in the Kruger Park

WOW! 5 minutes in the Kruger… The astonishing spectacle of a leopard savaging a crocodile has been captured for the first time on camera.

The astonishing spectacle of a leopard savaging a crocodile has been captured for the first time on camera. 

A series of incredible pictures taken at a South African game reserve document the first known time that a leopard has taken on and defeated one of the fearsome reptiles. 

The photographs were taken by Hal Brindley, an American wildlife photographer, who was supposed to be taking pictures of hippos from his car in the Kruger National Park . 

The giant cat raced out of cover provided by scrub and bushes to surprise the crocodile, which was swimming nearby.

A terrible and bloody struggle ensued. Eventually, onlookers were amazed to see the leopard drag the crocodile from the water as the reptile fought back.

With the crocodile snapping its powerful jaws furiously, the two animals somersaulted and grappled. Despite the crocodile’s huge weight and strength, the leopard had the upper hand catching its prey by the throat.

Eventually the big cat was able to sit on top of the reptile and suffocate it. In the past, there have been reports of crocodiles killing leopards, but this is believed to the first time that the reverse scenario has been observed.

Mr Brindley said : ‘I asked many rangers in South Africa if they had ever heard of anything like this and they all said no.

“It just doesn’t make sense. The meat you get out of a crocodile is just not worth the risk it takes a predator to acquire. The whole scene happened in the course of about 5 minutes. Then the leopard was gone.

“I drove away, elated in disbelief. It may have been the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.”

Road rage African style

When you are feeling rushed and in a hurry, maybe it is time to stop and appreciate the wonder all around you.

These photos are from Thursday, Feb. 17 2012, by someone from Centurion in Pilanesberg game reserve, South Africa.

The guy in the white Volkswagen was trying to get past the elephant.

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Road rage, it affects us all!